The past few weeks are indeed hyperactive to the max. My stamina is going down. Drinking and partying till 5am is simply tiring. What more bathing in this ‘igloo’ of mine. Lava’s cover and drinks are freaking expensive I must say. Boycott!!! Anyway we had a fun night celebrating Ernie’s birthday. Bought her 10 shots of Sambuca and 4 shots of Corky’s. Well she gulped down like water. The shots are reasonably priced except for their bottles. Dammit. It’s sad that I don’t have a single photo to post and for me to view =.=”. Going to hunt Ernie, Isaac and others soon for photos.
After the party ended, I quickly make a phone call to the florist (Blooming) in M’sia. I’ve placed an order for a bouquet of flowers for the bupp. As her bbq party at night was cancelled, I thought of getting them to send it in the afternoon. No one answer the call and I was somehow worried. Woke up in the morning and quickly log on to the site to check the delivery status and it was written there ‘Not shipped’. My first response was ‘Fuking Hell!!!!!’
Later on before heading out to work, I called her as usual and she happily tells me the flower has arrived. Hearing to her happy voice definitely made my day =). Thank you Blooming. Here’s some pics taken from her blog.
After the party ended, I quickly make a phone call to the florist (Blooming) in M’sia. I’ve placed an order for a bouquet of flowers for the bupp. As her bbq party at night was cancelled, I thought of getting them to send it in the afternoon. No one answer the call and I was somehow worried. Woke up in the morning and quickly log on to the site to check the delivery status and it was written there ‘Not shipped’. My first response was ‘Fuking Hell!!!!!’
Later on before heading out to work, I called her as usual and she happily tells me the flower has arrived. Hearing to her happy voice definitely made my day =). Thank you Blooming. Here’s some pics taken from her blog.
A hundred roses for the bopp.
Read her blog after work and it made my night =).
All I’m wishing now is for you to be happy. That simple. Looking at this lovely smile of yours, I know you’re extremely happy. Love you baby. Happy working! All the best and be tough.

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