The prestonians endeavor the Manchester Games 08 this time. Well, the effort was there but still we did not make it. LoL. This time I joined the badminton competition. As I step into the badminton hall, faces like Lee Choong Wei and Peter G.C were all around. Instantly it gave me a goose bump. Each player has to play 5 games and the top 2 players in each group will qualify to the following stage. So the noob me played 5 games and the result was 0. I lost all 5 =.=”. How sad. Not only that, I got pawned cruelly. I was so horrified watching the other players at the beginning. Basically stoned and GG’ness was flying around my mind. It’s alright. Since I’ve paid and went all the way there; might as well have some fun. Nearly ran off after losing the 3rd game. Sportsmanship? Hehe =p
The poor boi who got ta pao'ed like nasi dagang
Head off to dim sum =)
Cute little Kois
Leave your umbrella with peace
Fatty’s supporter; Yanie & San haha. The rest were at the futsal court.

Home party tonight. Hehe =). Simply love it. If only I could save all my energy and not work in the evening =.=”
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