Friday, February 1, 2008

Adidas Guerrilla Marketing Challenge

It’s getting really cold these days. News has been saying that it’s going to snow =.=. Tulan. The wind is so strong that it could stop a 65kg me from walking forward. I wished my work place is a stone throw away from my house. Walking to work with my slacks got my balls frozen for sure. You can’t imagine how it feels when wind goes through the thin layer of pants and give you a good time. I even have the thought of going to work by taxi; but it’s definitely not worth it. I’ll have to brave the coldness!!!

On a different case, I’ve decided to join the “Adidas Guerrilla Marketing Challenge”. Basically contestants will have to develop a marketing campaign for Adidas in the coming Euro 2008. So yeah, I’ll just try my luck ;-) Here’s the link if you’re interested to give it a shot.
No harm trying!!! Top 5 will be invited to Adidas’s headquarter in Germany and compete the final round. Fuhh. Well, I would be dead happy to be in the top 20. Hahaha.

Kays need to get some rest now……


Anonymous said...

This event is an opoortunity for students who want to work in advertising. Adidas create big campaign for Pekin 2008.

FATT said...

Yeah indeed. Marketing too.