Monday, January 28, 2008

Assign =( Pool =)

Today I have class for 1 hour. How wonderful. Basically I only have classes on Monday and Friday. 2 hours on Monday and 4 hours on Friday. Isn’t it too little? Well, it’s up to you to judge. But I simply love it LoL. Less hours with the lecturers and more time on the coursework. However the coursework aren’t easy. It’s as tough as a Mitsubishi Storm. Currently, I’ve got a report on “Experiential Marketing”. Arghhh, lots of journals to read and fuking lot of research to be done. Someone save my puny arse pleaseeee.. Be positive fatty.

Anyway today I signed up for a pool tournament next week. Haha. May the skills be with me. It would be lovely to bring a little trophy home =). My passion for snooker/pool will never die. All the memories filled with joy and tears. Yeah tears when I have to settle the bill after losing and joy in terms of free game etc. It is fun playing with close friends and chit chat the night away. The best part is after the game where we head off to a mamak stall. As usual the winners (lucky & red ball), will sing all sorts of fuckup modified songs and utter all kinds of sarcasm to the loser of the night. The feeling is unbearable. Everyone went through this nasty treatment I must say. Well that’s cruel isn’t it? Hell No! That’s our culture and basically the communication method generally used. I can’t wait to see those bastards when I’m back for holiday. LoL. On the other hand, my priority now is the plan this year with the bupp =). *May all the luck be with me this year* Wonder if it’s going to be a good year for ‘Tiger’. Hehe

Rock climbing clinic =). Love climbing.

Lastly my diet plan ended in a disaster. With the amount of tasty delicious food available for free after work, I doubt any improvement. What more sipping a can of beer every night. How to lose that gigantic tummy!

*Lurb bupp*

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