Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tiny miny session

Since the slim bear + her lesbo partner got back in Preston, we had some vodka warming. Cass sponsored a bottle of Polish vodka for the night. Thanks =). I still remember the previous time when I visited the convenience store purchasing alcohols. The lady boss recommended the Polish vodka but it didn’t come across my interest at all. Well I should have listened to her and tried it. Never mind, I’ve tried it tonight. Compared to other vodka brands, this is definitely much smoother and less dry. Although it’s 40%, it is easily pawned. I still remember few days ago whacking Martell at Jack’s place. Felt like hell after downing a few glasses. Typical cognac effects I would say.

The author

Incredibly smooth and less dry. Have my words =)

It seems that Wyborowa is the world’s oldest vodka brand. Wyborowa means exquisite in Polish by the way. Indeed it is !! Haha


My boozing partner !

Florence = boh steady =.=

Google is drunk and turned black. LoL. First encounter….

38 fuking days to go !!!!!!!!

If only you're here giving me those massage that i need 24/7 =)

Arghhh...Enjoy life all !!!!!

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